2025 Expedition dates
Session 1 - October 30th - November 5th
Session 2 - November 4th - November 10th
Session 3 - November 9th - 15th
Session 4 - November 14th - 20th
Sperm Whales
There are only two or three places in the world where you can swim with these amazing whales. Dominica in the Caribbean is one of the best, and to keep it that way the government has a strict permitting process.
I have been granted multiple 5 day permits to take guests to swim with the largest carnivore on the planet.
No SCUBA certification needed.
We will be running sessions in Dominica in 2024 to spend our days swimming with these amazing animals. Under the permit these are very small groups up to 6 maximum.
I've charted a boat just for us, and we'll get 6-7 hours a day to find and swim with these gentle giants. Given the population in Dominica is year round, we predict a high likelihood of frequent encounters. Those times when we're not seeing them, there are plenty of other mammals to keep us occupied, here's just a few that are commonly seen, Remember though, nothing is guaranteed, and they are wild animals, it’s up to them if they are around.
- False killer whales
- Spinner, bottlenose, and spotted Dolphins
- Pilot whales
Our guide will be seasoned professional and member of the Dominica Sperm Whale Project research team Pernell. He lives in Dominica year round and collects ID and acoustic data on the sperms whales. His in-depth knowledge and access to cutting edge research on this population of Sperm Whales will be an invaluable resource on contribution to your expedition.
5 Days on the water
Permit, Vessel, Captain and Guide fees
Lunch and non-alcoholic drinks on board vessel
Breakfast and Dinner
Private Transfers
Additional expenses (alcoholic drinks, gifts, personal expenses)
Travel Insurance (Required and proof presented via email)
7 day option
Day 1. Land in Dominica and be transferred to Portsmouth on the North west side of the island
Day 2- 6. Breakfast then head out to swim with Sperm Whales and anything else we see!!!
Day 7. Transfer back to Airport for your flights home.
What to bring
Rash vest, or thermal top, wetsuit if you get cold.
Boat jacket
There is no SCUBA on these expeditions, so all you need is the ability to swim with mask, snorkel and fins.